Push Your Limits Forward

Our Quality of teaching is our asset

Quality teaching

By seeking out a quality teacher who meets these criteria, you can ensure that you are learning Arnis effectively and safely, and that you are building a strong foundation for your training.

Nutrition Plan

A proper nutritional plan is essential for supporting your ARNIS training and helping you achieve your fitness goals. Here are some key principles to keep in mind when planning your diet.

Student progression

Arnis student progression is important for developing the student's skills, knowledge, and understanding of the art. By emphasizing consistency, mastery of basic skills, sparring, exposure to different styles, gradual progression, and mentorship, Arnis students can achieve their full potential and grow as martial artists.

Student & master

The relationship between an Arnis student and their master is an important aspect of the practice of Arnis. This relationship is based on mutual respect, trust, and a shared passion for the art of Arnis.

Build to bring
best results

Arnis can bring many benefits and results to practitioners who consistently train and practice the art. Here are some of the best results that Arnis can bring one of them is Improved Focus and Mental Discipline: Arnis training requires a high level of focus, concentration, and mental discipline. Practitioners must remain alert and focused during training to avoid injury and properly execute techniques. Regular practice can help to improve these mental skills, which can carry over into other areas of life.

Our training programs

Arnis is a Filipino martial art that involves the use of sticks, knives, and empty hand techniques. It's also known as Eskrima or Kali, and it's a great way to learn self-defense while also getting a great workout.

filipino Martial arts

Yes, Arnis is an effective martial art for self-defense. It's designed to teach practical techniques that can be used in real-life situations. Arnis focuses on using weapons such as sticks and knives, but it also teaches empty-hand techniques like strikes, locks, and throws.

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is an important aspect of Arnis, as it allows practitioners to move efficiently and effectively while maintaining stability and control. Balance in Arnis is achieved through a combination of physical techniques, mental focus, and body awareness.

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Stronger  body

Ambidexterity is unquestionably a big edge in sports. It opens up a range of possibilities that one-sided opponents can't match by being able to kick, throw, punch, or catch equally well with both feet or hands.

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Muscle pro

Arnis can be a great workout for building muscle, as it involves a lot of dynamic movements that engage multiple muscle groups at once. When practicing Arnis, you will use your entire body, including your arms, shoulders, core, legs, and glutes.

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Cardio arnis

Arnis can be an excellent workout for improving cardiovascular fitness. Arnis involves a lot of dynamic movements that require a combination of strength, speed, and endurance, which makes it an effective way to elevate your heart rate and get a cardio workout.

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Stamina power

One way to improve your stamina in Arnis is to focus on proper breathing techniques. Proper breathing helps to increase oxygen intake, which in turn can help improve endurance and reduce fatigue. As you practice Arnis techniques, be sure to focus on breathing deeply and evenly, especially during more intense movements.

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Improve your body power

If you're looking for a way to improve your self-defense skills, then Filipino Martial Arts is the perfect choice for you. 

Heart & Energy
Joint & Bones

Our Pricing plans

For more Update or question on our prices you are welcome to call and us for discount and special packages.

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Single Class

    • 2 HOURS
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12 Month unlimited


Per Month

6 month Unlimited


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